ADPC embraces ‘green’ business practices
New ‘green’ initiatives to reduce the impact on our environment are now being introduced and rolled out across ADPC’s entire organization.
After the successful implementation of its multi-awarded virtualization project, moving from 250 to less than 20 physical IT servers, resulting in energy, electricity and power consumption reductions of up to 80%, ADPC’s ICT Services has now put further innovative environmental friendly strategies in place, saving energy as well as our natural resources.
Across ADPC’s office and logistics landscape, the focus has been on reducing paper usage. Besides setting all printer default settings to double sided printing, more than 450 services, ranging from HR and Finance to Procurement and Customer Relationship Management Services, have now been converted from hard copy manual papers to more environmentally friendly electronic forms.
Another step has been to implement a backup consolidation project. All of the tape backups have now been moved to disc, saving time and considerable storage space. By moving to disc, ADPC’s ICT Services has been able to reduce the backup window from 72 hours to only 8hours, again saving time and money.
Additionally, by using an internationally recognized document management system, all documents such as contracts, drawings, memos or correspondence are being digitally archived. A total sum of six terabyte of data, mostly pdf-files, has been collected to date, saving around 3000 billion pages of printed material.
A further move to reduce the amount of paper usage in ADPC offices will be the installment of the “Secure Pull Solution” (SPS), a software program that is planned to be implemented by the end of this year.
The program only allows documents to be printed off once the person who sent the printing order has actually gone to the printer and identified him-or herself via code, avoiding the unnecessary printing of documents which are not collected from source.
In addition, all toners, cartridges papers and drums are being recycled, and video conferencing is being promoted across all the office sites to reduce travelling and minimize the company’s carbon footprint.
According to Ecology Global Network, despite the increasing usage of electronic devices and a growing digitalization process, nearly four billion trees worldwide are still cut down each year for paper, representing about 35 per cent of all harvested trees whose rate has been outpacing growth for many years, creating an ecological imbalance.
Commenting on ADPC’s ‘green’ business practices, Saif Al Ketbi, vice president Information Technology, ADPC ICT Services, says:
“We work to improve ADPC’s environmental performance continuously by implementing most effective software strategies that not only save time but help reduce energy consumption and preserve precious natural resources.”