Abu Dhabi Ports executives address “Capitalisation of local talents” at HR Tech World Congress in Paris
Abu Dhabi Ports―the master developer, operator and manager of ports and industrial zones in the Emirate―participated in HR Tech World Congress held recently in Paris. One of the world’s foremost annual conferences for leaders in human resources (HR) sector, the event was attended by delegates from over 80 countries. Sir Richard Branson, David Shing, Josh Bersin, and Jason Averbook were just a few of the prominent speakers in the event.
Two senior Emirati HR professionals at Abu Dhabi Ports―Maitha Al Murar, Senior HR Business Partner; and Ahmed Al Khemeiri, Talent Acquisition Specialist―spoke about “Capitalisation of local talents” in the Talent Management session on the
first day of the Congress on. They were the first Emirati professionals addressing the Talent Management session in the World’s Leading Conference & Expo on HR and the Future of Work.
In their presentation, Maitha Al Murrar and Ahmed Al Khemeiri discussed the challenges in finding and attracting the right local talent with suitable skills and experience, and in developing and nurturing new skills, upskilling and reskilling talents. They shared the Abu Dhabi Ports’ experience of overcoming such challenges.
“Developing the local talents being a global issue, we were happy to share Abu Dhabi Ports’ success story to the world at a prominent international conference. It was also a great opportunity for us to learn useful lessons and examples of international practices that could augment our Emiratisation efforts,” said Maitha Al Murrar.
A core pillar of the Abu Dhabi Economic Vision, increasing the number of UAE Nationals in the workforce is a central business strategy for Abu Dhabi Ports. Investment in staff, through training and other development programmes, will see the company reach 47 per cent Emiratisation target by the end of this year and 55 per cent by 2017.
For the first time ever in the UAE’s history of sea port operations, a development programme titled “Port Pulse” has helped Abu Dhabi Ports develop a dedicated team of UAE Nationals that can carry out the entire circle of port operations, including the full range of marine services, as well as the process of loading and unloading cargo vessels.
Abu Dhabi Ports’ NAWRUS (‘The National Way to Ramp Up Success’) initiative targets young Emiratis, offering them positions to train for port operations jobs, such as crane and other equipment operators and cargo clerks. Ports International Executive Road (PIER) programme has been designed to ‘fast track’ UAE National employees for top leadership positions.